Blog / Mary Adams
What makes you look forward to coming to work? I love the people I work with. That’s a generic answer, but truth tops originality.
Describe what you do at FG: I am a digital strategist and account manager. That means I am in the weeds building ads and putting out digital fires, while also taking people out to coffee to get to know how we can help them.
What was your first impression of Field Group? Quirky in the best kind of way!
What or who inspires you lately? Why? Sarah Thomas. She is the first person to swim the English channel four times in a row non-stop. She swam for 54 hours and 10 mins in cold, dehydrating salt water, and her story made me weep. Her story is inspiring because it is not a super hero story. Sarah was not a prodigy as a child; she swam during high school, but gave it up for a while during college. And yet she became one of the greatest athletes on earth in her 30s. I want to have endurance like hers.
What’s essential Yakima? Nino’s is a Mexican restaurant that started in Union Gap, and now has a second location on Summitview. It is an amazing family-run restaurant with the best carnitas in town (in my opinion).
Best way to solve a problem: Trial and error. If you are persistent enough, you either solve your problem or die trying, and I haven’t died yet.